July 01, 2019
Electrical Equipment Safety Systems (EESS)
Electrical Equipment Safety Laws are changing throughout Australia. In particular, the Queensland Government has implemented such laws pertaining to the sale of electrical products on and after the 29th January, 2017.
This change will implement an Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) that will change the requirements for business who sell, supply or import electrical equipment.
Regulations and Standards apply to all household equipment that is sold or offered for sale in Australia and New Zealand. Certain types of equipment, known as level 3 equipment, prescribed equipment or declared articles, must go through a certification process which ensures a safe design before they can be ready for the Australian or New Zealand market.
The introduction of the EESS is being co-ordinated by ERAC and its main features are:
1. It covers ‘in-scope electrical equipment’.
2. It involves requirements for registration and certification of certain equipment.
3. It involves registration of ‘responsible suppliers’ of in-scope electrical equipment.
4. There will be a national database which will have equipment details of all equipment required to be certified and registered as well as details of all registered responsible suppliers.
5. Registered responsible suppliers will be required use the regulatory compliance mark (RCM) on all equipment they supply.
6. Equipment Safety Rules (aka ‘scheme rules’) have been written to guide consistency.
7. In-scope electrical equipment cannot be sold or offered for sale unless it complies with the EESS requirements.
8. Additional compliance, surveillance and post market enforcement activity.
9. All Responsible Suppliers of electrical equipment in the EESS have obligations under law to ensure the products they supply are electrically safe and meet all relevant standards.
10. In the EESS Responsible Suppliers must register on the National Database and make a declaration that their in-scope equipment is electrically safe and meets all relevant standards.
Where a separate power supply (level 3 electrical equipment) is supplied with an item of electrical equipment, or to energise equipment being supplied that operates at safety extra low voltage (SELV), the power supply (ie. Cable) would need a current Certificate of Conformity and be registered by the equipment supplier (as the Responsible Supplier of level 3 equipment).
Under the EESS, there are requirements for sellers (including retail, wholesale, auction, markets, internet sales etc), importers and manufacturers of electrical equipment:
1. Sellers: A seller of electrical equipment must not sell ‘in-scope’ electrical equipment unless the equipment is linked to a Responsible Supplier and, if Level 2 or Level 3 equipment, is registered on the national database.
2. Importers and Manufacturers: An importer or manufacturer must register as a Responsible Supplier on the National Database. Responsible Suppliers must also ensure
level 2 and 3 equipment they supply is registered on the National Database. Note: level 1 equipment does not require registration, but can be voluntarily registered.
A Responsible Supplier must be an Australian or New Zealand legal entity by law. An offshore manufacturer or supplier can either distribute their product via a registered responsible supplier who is an Australian or New Zealand legal entity or become an Australian or New Zealand legal entity.
In the EESS, Suppliers of in-scope electrical equipment who are the second or subsequent supplier of electrical equipment in the participating jurisdictions in the Australian and New
Zealand supply chain must source their electrical equipment from a Responsible Supplier by law.
Level 3 is classified as potentially high risk equipment.
All Level 1, 2 or 3 electrical equipment and cable offered for sale by registered Responsible Suppliers will be marked with the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM), as illustrated below:
All suppliers that distribute their product via an Australian or New Zealand legal entity (who will import the product) must be registered as a Responsible Supplier on the National Database.
The database can be found on the following website: http://www.erac.gov.au
Electra Cables is proud to be not only a Responsible Supplier, but in full compliance and agreement with this system. With Electra Cables manufacturing the highest quality of cable, you can have peace of mind that your purchase will comply to all Australian Standards along with compliance within the EESS.

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